In the aftermath of any event, the true measure of success lies in the valuable insights gathered through thoughtfully crafted “post-event survey questions”.
Without post-event feedback, it’s almost impossible to improve continuously. Feedback is a data-driven and reliable way to measure success after an event.
Feedback gathered using a post-event survey can help you to learn:
Measuring attendees’ satisfaction will help you improve your event marketing. You can easily figure out what’s working and what isn’t. About 90% of event organizers use post-event surveys to measure attendees’ satisfaction.
To create a high-completion rate post-event survey, ask several questions ranging from yes/no, open-ended questions to the rating scale.
One of the tools we recommend you use when gathering information from event attendees is Google Forms. This tool is free and easy to use. You don’t need coding skills to create an online survey form for your needs.
Let’s assume you’ve used post-event survey questions to gather data.
How do you extract insights from the data?
We recommend you use survey-based charts, such as Likert, to perform this task. The chart has choices ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’ to help you get a holistic view of event attendees’ opinions and their level of agreement.
It’s straightforward to read and interpret a Likert Scale Chart, as you will see later.
In this blog, you will learn:
Before jumping into the how-to guide, we’ll address the following question: what is a post-event survey question?
Definition: Post-event survey questions are used to gather valuable feedback from attendees of your event.
Remember, your work is far from over once the event concludes. So, gather and assess attendee feedback to learn from your successes and failures.
More so, you’ll be able to create even better events in the future.
The best way to gather this feedback is with a post-event survey. Rather than guessing your attendees’ thoughts and opinions, use post-event survey questions.
If you analyze these responses, you’re likely to get critical insights you can use to improve future events.
For instance, negative sentiments can help you do away with parts of your events.
We’ve compiled a list of the best post-event questions you should ask. Steal this list and implement it in your next post-event survey.
Use these questions in your post-event surveys for attendees
This type of survey is geared to help you directly measure attendee satisfaction and get a high-level view of the overall event experience.
This question seeks to probe the pain points that prompted your audience to attend your event.
You can use these insights to optimize your marketing messages to attract similar audiences.
This question seeks to understand whether expectations were met. Failing to meet expectations can lead to failure.
Here are some more examples of Post Event Survey Questions.
You don’t want to stop here because we’ll show you how to export post-event survey questions to a spreadsheet.
Google Forms is a tested and proven tool for creating post-event questions. It’s free and easy to use, as you shall see later.
This application can help you create shareable web surveys.
Use the Google Forms application to create surveys faster and more efficiently. It can help you plan for events, ask questions, and collect data faster.
The online survey creator is ultra-flexible and easy to use. Essentially, you can easily set questions depending on your preference.
Google Forms has a drag-and-drop interface. This makes it easy to move widgets around based on your preferences.
You can export your responses to Google Sheets using simple and easy-to-follow steps.
Check out more benefits below.
In other words, it can take minutes for you and your entire team to get comfortable with the application.
Google Forms provides a quick and innovative way to gather your target market’s sentiments.
It has lots of options, from a one-question to a long multi-section, which comes in handy when creating post-event surveys.
More so, Google Forms is a quicker alternative to asking questions via email. It’s loaded with all the standard survey fields, such as dropdowns and multiple-choice questions to gather data.
Let’s assume you’ve created a Google Forms survey gathering your event attendees’ in-depth opinions.
Your goal is to share the form widely.
Follow the easy steps below.
In the coming section, we’ll take you through how to analyze post-event feedback data in Google Sheets.
Let’s dive in.
Google Sheets is a spreadsheet you can use to store, organize, and analyze survey data.
However, it lacks visualizations designed purposely to visualize survey data, such as the Likert Scale Chart.
We’re not advising you to do away with Google Sheets.
You can easily install an add-on in your Google Sheets to access survey-based visualizations, such as the Likert Scale Chart.
The application is called ChartExpo.
What is ChartExpo?
ChartExpo is an add-in you can easily install in your Google Sheets to access charts for visualizing post-event survey questions.
Features and Benefits
This section will use Likert Scale Chart to visualize the data in the screenshot below.
From this Likert Scale Chart, you can identify how customers viewed your software.
In the coming section, we’ll take you through the benefits of post-event surveys.
While there are multiple benefits of organizing a survey before and after an event, most businesses send just one post-event survey.
This is probably to avoid overwhelming event attendees.
Are post-event surveys that important?
Yes, there are many benefits, especially if your goal is to understand the event from the perspective of the following:
With the right post-event survey questions, you can easily gauge the event’s overall success.
Remember, feedback is uber valuable because it helps you adapt and grow.
Check out more benefits below.
You’re sending a message that you care about attendees’ experience by asking for their opinions.
Building trust will earn you future referrals and fill your event the next time you organize one.
Rather than assume you failed to hit the mark, you’ll have objective feedback to gauge your success or failure.
Remember, you don’t have to be the judge and jury of your performance. Let the audience decide.
After all, it’s all about them.
Post-event survey questions can help you forecast the size of the audience next time.
For instance, many positive reviews indicate you’re likely to get referrals or returning attendees.
Post-event survey questions can help you plan future events with an improved experience.
You can easily refine your marketing methods to drive attendance off the charts.
For instance, the responses you’ll get can help you improve issues, such as the registration process, knowledge delivery, and course improvement.
Online survey creators, such as Google Forms, make post-event surveys less expensive to put together.
You don’t have to spend money. Also, you’ll save a lot of time.
Traditional methods, such as paper-filled post-event survey questions, have significant room for error.
For instance, the data gathered via survey forms must be input into your database manually, which is time-intensive.
With an online survey creator like Google Forms, data is directly fed into Google Cloud.
Post-event survey questions in Google Forms are accessible to anyone with an internet-enabled gadget.
This eliminates the stumbling blocks that come with traditional survey methods, which are resource-intensive.
Tools, such as Google Forms, can easily expand your reach because it facilitate social shares and web embeds.
This is a tool you can use to gather valuable feedback from attendees of your event.
Remember, your work is far from over once the event concludes. So, gather and assess attendee feedback to learn from your successes and failures.
More so, you’ll be able to create even better events in the future.
There are many benefits, especially if your goal is to understand the event from the perspective of the following:
You can easily gauge the event’s overall success with the right post-event survey questions.
Remember, feedback is uber valuable because it helps you adapt and grow.
Without feedback, it’s almost impossible to improve continuously.
And this is because it’s a data-driven and reliable way to measure success after an event.
Responses from a post-event survey can help you to learn what attendees thought about the event or what they enjoyed the most.
Measuring attendees’ satisfaction will help you improve your event marketing.
You can easily figure out what’s working and what isn’t.
One of the tools we recommend you use when gathering information from event attendees is Google Forms.
This tool is free and easy to use. You don’t need coding skills to create an online survey form for your needs.
Let’s assume you’ve used post-event questions to gather data.
How do you extract answers from the data?
This is where survey-based charts, such as the Likert Scale, come in.
The chart has choices ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’ to help you get a holistic view of people’s opinions and their level of agreement.